Joseph Edward Murray Obituary

A. C. A. member 2661 Joseph Edward Murray passed away on February 2, 1960 at the age of 92. The Judge, as he was affectionately known, had been a member of the Red Dragon Canoe Club for 66 years. He was elected to membership on May 4, 1894.

He was elected Quartermaster and Chairman of the Regatta and Mess Committees in 1895. In the years that followed the Judge served as Commodore and later as a Trustee, an office he held until a few years before is death when the Club elected him to the office of Advisory Trustee and made him an Honorary Life Member.

In the old days at Wissinoming the Judge was an ardent canoeist. He became a member of the American Canoe Association in 1894 and attended many Division Camps and annual meetings. Together with other Dragons of that day he enjoyed paddling and camping.

When the Club was forced to move from Wissinoming in 1923 the Judge with other Trustees and Members selected the the present building and grounds at Edgewater Park, New Jersey.He unselfishly devoted one year in legal proceedings to secure a clear title to the property.The Judge had no equal as a toastmaster and story teller. He planned and organized many business and social functions at the Club. He was a good violinist and a lover of classical music and he often played with a Chamber Quartet.The Judge loved the Club House and grounds at Edgewater Park. During the summer months and into the fall every Wednesday afternoon there was the usual quoit pitching contest with Hank Fleischmann, Wallace Wilson, Harry Davis and others. After the contest the Judge would invite "all aboard" tohis room to partake of his whiskey sours which, he said, should always be stirred, not shaken.

As a Dragon Joseph Edward Murray was the finest.

(Judge Murray's room was where the office is on the 2nd floor.)

When I joined in 1971, it was the room of Gus Wahl and his wife. It had a screen door, and you only entered upon invitation. It was filled with artifacts and pictures, which Gus left to Marty Gennett, who lived in the apartment and was the caretaker. I suspect most of the collection had once belonged to Judge Murray.

On the third floor was the room of Roy Graf, a photographer and draftsman who made the long blue print of the property that used to hang on the 3rd floor, he was still a canoeist and frequently came from his home in Philly to paddle at a very old age. He had to quit paddling because of harassment by some upriver hoodlums who harrassed him and threw stones at him dragon